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Are you struggling to optimize your paid advertising campaigns? Let Google’s AI take the guesswork out of the equation! Partner with Sanat Haldar, your go-to expert for setting up Discovery Ads that drive conversions and deliver accurate ads to the right audience.

As a leading PPC agency, we understand the significance of choosing the right ad format to achieve your marketing goals. In this article, we’ll explore the differences between these two powerful ad types and provide real-world examples to help you make informed decisions for your campaigns.

Google Discovery Ads

Google Discovery Ads offer wide range of opportunity to capture users’ attention while they explore their interests across various Google platforms. Let’s dive into what makes Discovery Ads unique:

Google discovery Ad Example
  1. Ads are shown on Google’s own properties, including YouTube, Gmail, and the Discover feed. So that your ads have the potential to reach a large and engaged audience.
  2. Discovery Ads are highly visual, with a focus on images and headlines. It is ideal for brands who want to create a strong visual impact.
  3. Discovery Ads are targeted based on users’ interests and past browsing behavior. 

Example 1 - Discovery Ad for fashion retailer

Imagine you’re an online fashion retailer, and you want to introduce your brand to potential customers interested in fashion. A Discovery Ad showcasing your latest collection could appear as users scroll through their personalized Google Discover feed or while they watch fashion-related videos on YouTube.

Example 2 - Discovery Ad for travel agency

Suppose you’re a travel agency aiming to attract adventure enthusiasts. A Discovery Ad featuring an awe-inspiring image of a thrilling adventure destination could be displayed in users’ Gmail Promotions tab, sparking curiosity and inspiring them to explore further.

Google Display Ads

Google Display Ads provide a versatile platform to display visually captivating creatives across an extensive network of websites and apps. Here’s why Display Ads are an essential component of your PPC strategy:

Google Display Ad Example
  • Display Ads can be used to reach a wide range of audiences. You can target your ads based on demographics, interests, keywords, and even websites and apps that your target audience visits.
  • Display Ads can be highly creative. You can use different ad formats, such as image ads, video ads, and interactive ads, to capture users’ attention.
  • Display Ads can be used to retarget your website visitors. You can show your ads to people who have already visited your website, but haven’t taken any further action.

Display Ads for e-commerce store example

Let’s say you’re running an e-commerce store selling premium audio equipment. With Display Ads, you can target users who have previously visited your website but haven’t made a purchase. Your ad showcasing the latest noise-canceling headphones may entice them to return and complete the transaction.

Display Ads for software company example

Suppose you’re a software company offering a productivity tool for businesses. Display Ads allow you to reach decision-makers in specific industries by targeting websites and apps relevant to their business needs. Your ad displaying the benefits of your tool could appear on industry-specific blogs and news sites, attracting potential clients.

Choosing the Right Ad Format for Your Campaign

As you plan your advertising strategy, understanding when to use Discovery Ads and when to use Display Ads is crucial. Here’s a step-by-step approach to choosing the right format:

Campaign goals :

Identify your campaign goals. Are you looking to increase brand awareness, generate leads, or drive sales? Each ad format aligns better with certain objectives.

Target audience’s :

Understand your target audience’s preferences and interests. Discovery Ads are great for reaching new users with visually stunning content, while Display Ads work well for retargeting and precise targeting.


Creative :

Evaluate your available creatives. If you have eye-catching images and engaging headlines, Discovery Ads can showcase them effectively. For interactive or custom ad formats, Display Ads provide more flexibility.


Cost Comparison:Google Discovery Ads vs. Display Ads

Discovery AD Costs

In terms of cost, Discovery Ads are typically more expensive than Display Ads. This is because Discovery Ads are shown to a more targeted audience, and they are more likely to be clicked on. However, the cost of Discovery Ads can vary depending on your bidding strategy and the level of competition for your keywords.


Google Discovery Ads and Display Ads each offer unique advantages that can enhance your PPC campaigns.

As we are  Best PPC expert in kolkata, we recommend considering your campaign objectives, target audience, and available creative assets when choosing between the two formats.

Whether it’s captivating users on their journey of discovery or targeting specific audiences across the web, leveraging the right ad format can significantly impact your advertising success.